About Matrix Group

Matrix Group is the successor business to GPSC Group / Global Proxy Services Corporation, a distinguished name in international corporate governance and bank consulting and a trusted outsourcee for critical bank transaction processing.  Matrix builds and expands upon this solid base to meet the needs of today's financial and development institutions.


The 1980s

From the late 1980s until its acquisition by ADP in 1997, GPSC was the leading independent international governance advisor and proxy, managing more than $200 billion in voting rights for 1,200+ public and corporate pension funds, asset managers, mutual funds, unit trusts, global custodian banks, trust companies, university endowments, church & religious funds, insurers, trade unions, foundations and others institutions and fiduciaries.

Over the 15 years since GPSC was founded, established institutions have matured, new ones have emerged, and the fiduciary needs of all have become more complex as their activities become ever more global, and their approach to investment and business becomes ever more sophisticated.  Today's fiduciaries must continually assess investment risks and opportunities across a broad range of business and social dimensions from environment to governance, from labour conditions to productivity and management systems.

Under the direction of GPSC founder Joseph Lufkin, Matrix Group builds and expands on GPSC’s proven business model to meet the more sophisticated needs of today’s institutions.  Matrix goes above & beyond the “investor - asset manager – custodian - issuer” axis, with a suite of services designed for a much broader client base, including national & multilateral development banks, funds, foundations, public and private corporations, aid agencies, and all others with similar interests in assessing, monitoring, remediating and enhancing enterprises, development projects, suppliers, contractors, joint venture partners, etc...


Our Corporate Lineage:

Matrix’s predecessor, GPSC, was founded by Joseph Lufkin in Boston, USA in 1989 as the Global Proxy Services Corporation, at a time when most institutional investors had only just begun to invest internationally, and then only in stocks of large-cap listed corporations in Western Europe and Japan.

At that time, despite their best intentions, these institutions had no way to gather information about their investees’ governance structures or even dates and agendas of shareholders’ meetings, no way to exercise their voting rights as mandated by regulators and best practice, and no way to apply globally the engagement policies which they had developed.

GPSC anticipated and met these needs by:


Building an unrivalled correspondent network of 350+ banks in 54 countries, enabling universal and consistent exercise of voting rights (including delivering of policy statements at shareholders meetings) across even indexed emerging markets and global small-cap portfolios, empowering clients to act globally


Developing a sophisticated global proxy processing system linking GPSC to  all the above correspondents, with a simple and flexible fiduciary reporting system


Documenting, and introducing US and European investors to, different corporate governance regimes around the world


Developing standardized systems to apply clients’ governance policies universally, based upon a proprietary classification method which enabled straight-through processing of voting instructions


Compiling a governance database on more than 5,000 corporations worldwide; and


Initiating a creative program of high-level “Governance Diplomacy” and “Investee Relations”


Arranging and conducting the first board-level meetings between US pension fund representatives and investee companies in England, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Thailand and other countries


Sponsoring and participating in custody & governance symposia, conferences and hearings in London, Frankfurt, New York, Palm Beach, Tokyo, Milan & Paris


Assisting governmental entities (e.g. the US Department of the Treasury) to formulate progressive policies towards corporate governance


Producing the first and second editions of the leading book on comparative international corporate governance (International Corporate Governance, Euromoney Books, London, 1991 and 2004)

By doing so, GPSC opened many formerly closed or difficult national governance systems to outside investor participation: from major markets such as Japan, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands to emerging markets such as Brazil, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia and Korea.

Before GPSC entered the market, institutions had no way to vote through their custodians even in England or Germany.  After five years, they were doing so through GPSC in more than 50 countries.

Hundreds of billions of dollars worth of capital was thus enfranchised and could find its voice: a voice which has shaped the development of governance systems – and of individual investee corporations – around the world for more than a decade.

In the process, GPSC built the experience base which allowed it to become the leading international corporate governance firm, advising and acting for top institutions in all major capital markets (a listing of major GPSC clients appears below).

After a decade of continuous growth, GPSC was so well-regarded that its proxy processing business was purchased from its founder by Automatic Data Processing (ADP), a US Fortune 100 company and leading provider of processing services to the financial community in the US, for integration into their domestic bank and brokerage services business. 


Matrix Group - New Solutions:

During a contractual non-compete period following the sale of GPSC to ADP, we continued to serve clients including ADP itself, the Asian Development Bank, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Tokyo, the San Miguel Corporation in Manila, Georgeson & Co. (later Georgeson Shareholder Communications) in New York and London, Sun Life Financial of Canada, and developing countries including the governments of the Solomon Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Assignments included financial and non-financial assessment and enhancement of operating businesses, state-owned enterprises and SMEs, design of financing and investment vehicles, and advising on financial and corporate governance.   All of this experience contributed to the formation of Matrix Group in 2001.

Matrix and it's range of services was developed in consultation with experienced international private equity managers and investment advisers, lead investors in major international funds, multilateral financial institutions, specialists in public company shareholder communications and due diligence, SRI-related organizations, NGOs, experts on local business conditions and practices in many countries, and experienced Asian executives. 

This development process looked at all aspects of international investment, including equity and debt financing of public and private enterprises, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and other types of transactions. Lessons learned through private equity investing, and through consulting to the region’s premier financial institutions and corporations, were also integrated into the process.


MATRIX Group predecessor businesses & their clients 1981-2004:

Lufkin & Co. Incorporated, 80 Wall Street, New York NY 10011 (1980-1989)



Hessische Landesbank Girozentrale, NY Agency (analysis of European corporate financial statements & accounts, translation to US GAAP)


Marine Midland Bank NA, New York NY (now HSBC Bank USA); (organization & ongoing management of offshore institutional multicurrency money market fund)


North Atlantic Ventures Limited, London / New York (design of pioneering US-UK Fund of venture capital funds)


Hopwood Investments Ltd., St. Hélier, Jersey CI (organization & management of relational investing, private equity and risk arbitrage investment company)


Acacia Group, Washington DC (America's oldest mutual life insurance company- advice on SME business development services division)


Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Company, Boston USA (design and organization of global custody and related securities-processing systems & fiduciary operations, business development)

GPSC Group, 100 Main Street, Concord MA 01775 USA (1989 – 1997)

Clients of GPSC’s global proxy & consulting services:

Banks & Trust Companies:

The Bank of New York, Bank of New Zealand, Bank of Nova Scotia, Barclays Bank, Bermuda Trust (Singapore), Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Cedel Bank SA, Chase Manhattan Bank NA, Citibank (Luxembourg) SA, Citibank NA, Columbia Trust Company, Comerica, Credit Lyonnais, First Interstate Bank, First Interstate of Oregon, First National Bank of Chicago, First Union National Bank, Fleet Norstar Group, Hessische Landesbank Girozentrale (HELABA), HongkongBank Group, Japan Securities Clearing Corporation, Lampebank SA, Marine Midland Bank NA, Merita Bank OY, Midlantic Bank NA, Montreal Trust, Morgan Stanley Trust Company, NBD Bank, Norwalk Savings Society, Norwest Bank, Royal Bank of Canada Trust (Cayman), Shawmut Bank NA, State Street Bank and Trust, Swiss Bank Corporation, The Bank of Ireland, United Missouri Bank, United States Trust Company, Wachovia Bank of North Carolina, Wells Fargo Bank, Westpac Banking Corporation.


Investment Managers & Securities Firms:

Acadian Asset Management, Alex Brown, Alliance International, Allmerica Investment Management Company, AMR, Baillie Gifford Overseas, Bank of Ireland Asset Management Limited, Baring Asset Management, Batterymarch, BEA Associates, Bradford & Marzec, Brinson Partners, Buchanan Partners Ltd., Capital Guardian, Chancellor, Clanco Management Corporation, Clay Finlay, County NatWest (Australia), Cursitor-Eaton, Daiwa International, Delaware International, DSI International Management, Froley Revy, Gamma Advisors, Genesis Investment Management, Gentrust International, Henderson Administration, IAI International, IDS, Invesco, Ivory & Sime International, J. Aron & Co., J. Rothschild Administration Ltd., J. Rothschild Securities Ltd., Jenison Associates, JP Morgan Investment Management, Lazard Frères Asset Management, LGT Asset Management, Mackay Shields, Mackenzie Financial Group, Manchester Securities, Martin Currie, Marvin & Palmer, Matuschka Group, Mercator Asset Management, Mercury Asset Management, Mesirow Financial, Montgomery Asset Management, Morgan Stanley Asset Management, Nations Gartmore Investment Management, Nomura Investment Management, Odyssey Funds Management, Oechsle International, Philips & Drew Fund Management, Pinnacle Associates, Post Horn Asset Management, Putnam Investment Companies, Rand Financial Services, Rowe Price Fleming, Sagit Investment Management, Standish Ayer & Wood, Stewart Ivory T. Rowe Price, Templeton, Thornton, Walter Scott & Partners, Wanger Asset Management



AIG, American Skandia, Britannia Steamship Ins., CIGNA Insurance Co. of Europe (Germany, Italy, Netherlands), CIGNA Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Combined Life Ins. Co. of America, Combined Life Ins. Co. of the Netherlands, Continental Insurance Co., Dearborn Insurance Co., Insurance Co. of N. America, Legal & General, Liberty Mutual, London General Insurance (NL), National Mutual (Melbourne, AU), New York Life, Prudential, Royal Maccabees Life Insurance, and Sterling Life Insurance


Investment Funds:

20th Century Funds, Admax Regent Dragon 888 Fund, AIG Southeast Asia Fund PLC, Alpha ECU European Hedge Fund, American Odyssey International Equity Fund, Bank of Ireland Asset Management Group Trusts, BIAM Investments PLC, Biltmore Emerging Markets Fund, Buchanan Emerging Markets Fund, Buchanan European & Atlantic Fund, Cougar Global Fund, First Quadrant Strategic LP, First Quadrant World LP, Fonds Asiatique Natcan (CA), Fonds de Croissance Etranger Lopresti Gabbay (CA), Fonds Etranger non-Americain Lopresti Gabbay (CA), Fountain International Fund, Gartmore UK Emerging Companies Strategy Fund, General Consolidated Investment Trust PLC, Hopwood Investments Limited, IAI Developing Countries Mutual Fund, IAI Domestic Fund, IAI International Equity Common Trust Fund, LGT International Growth Group Trust, The Irish Investment Fund, Latin America Discovery Fund, The Malaysia Fund, MAS Funds, Montreal Trust Global Fund, Morgan Stanley Global Asset Allocation, MSAM Emerging Market Fund International, MSIF Asia Equity, MSIF European Equity, MSIF International Equity, MSIF Int'l Magnum Portfolio, MSIF International Small Cap, MSIF Japanese Equity Portfolio, MSIF Latin America Fund, MSIF Turkish Investment Fund, Morgan Stanley Asian Growth Fund, Nations Gartmore International Equities Fund, Nations Emerging Market Fund, Nations Pacific Growth Fund, Nations International Equity Fund, Pacific Equity Fund, The Pakistan Investment Fund, The Partners Fund, Panther Partners LP, The Partners Fund, Perpetual (15 funds), Prudential Bank Trust Company International Equity Fund, RTT Capital Partners, Rothschild Investment Trust, Universal Far East Fund, Value Realisation Trust PLC, Vanguard Horizon Global Equity Fund, Vanguard International Index Fund, Woodward International Equity Fund


Public-sector Entities & Pension Funds:

Australia Post Superannuation Scheme, California Public Employees (CalPERS), California State Teachers (CalSTRS), Chicago Transit Authority, the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development (World Bank), London Borough of Redbridge, London Borough of Sutton, Middlesex County MA USA, Missouri Local Government Employees, Montgomery County MD, New York City Employees, New York City Teachers, Oklahoma Firefighters, Oklahoma Law Enforcement, Oklahoma State Police, Ontario (Canada) Municipal Employees, the Province of Nova Scotia (Canada), Northwest Territories (Canada) Workers' Compensation Board, the State of Alabama, the State of Alaska, the State of Arkansas (Police), the State of Hawaii, the State of Maryland, the State of New Hampshire, the State of Oregon, the State of Tennessee, and the State of Washington, Queensland (Australia) Investment Corporation, the City of Brockton MA, the City of Cambridge MA, the City of Dallas TX, the City of Detroit MI, the City of Washington DC, the Manhattan & Bronx Surface Transit Operating Authority, the Public School Retirement System of Missouri, the Non-teacher School Employee Retirement System of Missouri, the US Department of the Treasury



Stichting Bedrijfspensioenfonds voor de Metaalnijverheid (NL), United Mine Workers of America, Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees, Service Employees International Union.


Corporations & their Pension Funds:

Acco-Rexel Group, Air Products & Chemicals Corp., Albany International Corporation, American Airlines, ARMCO, Armstrong World Industries, Assidoman Packaging UK Ltd. Atlantic Richfield Co., Automatic Data Processing Inc., Bowater, British Airways PLC, Capital Asset Trust, Cyanamid (UK), Dana Corporation, Detroit Edison Co., Walt Disney Co., Dole Food Company, Dow Chemicals (Canada), Duke Power, Elf Atochem North America, Eutelsat, Parley Industries, Fior, Ford Motor Company UAW Retirement Plan, Forth Ports PLC, General Motors Corporation, W R Grace & Co., Group 4 PLC, Hawaii Electric Industries, Hiram Walker & Sons, Hogg Robinson (1987) (UK), Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees, IBM, ICI Australia Ltd., LASMO PLC, Lehman Brothers, Loral Corporation, LTV Corporation, McClatchy Newspapers, Motion Technology, Inc., National Telephone Cooperative Association, Navistar International Transportation Corp., Northern Telecom, Pacific Enterprises Oil Co., Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association, Philips Electronics (Canada), Pfizer Inc., Raine PLC, Rio Algom, J. Rothschild Holdings PLC, SMC Stock Transfer Service Corporation, San Miguel Corporation, Sandoz Inc., Schering-Plough, Sensormatic Electric Corp., Southern California Gas Co., Trimite plc, United Airlines, US Air, Vaux Group plc, Whirlpool Corporation, Wisconsin Electric Power Company, and Transamerica Corporation


Endowments, Trusts & Foundations:

Trustees of Columbia University, Carleton College, Cornell University, Davidson College, Hillsdale College, Iowa State University, Roberts College of Istanbul, St. John's University, Trinity University, University College of Swansea (Wales) University of Iowa, University of Minnesota, Yale University, the American Friends of the National Gallery (London), Carle Foundation, Catholic Health Trust, Christian Brothers Employee Retirement Plan, Flinn Foundation, Ewing M. Kauffman Charitable Trust, The Zoological Society 1988 Pension (London), The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Mayo Foundation, Missionary Franciscan Sisters, Mercy Consolidated Asset Management Program, the Marion Bradley Glass Trusts, Permanent Trustee Australia Ltd., and other personal and family trusts.


GPSC’s institutional proxy services business, proprietary transaction processing system, and certain related assets were acquired in October 1996 by the Bunker-Ramo Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Automated Data Processing, Inc. (NYSE:ADP) of New York, a US “Fortune 100” company and leader in business process outsourcing services for financial institutions.  GPSC’s corporate consulting and advisory businesses continued under the sole proprietorship of GPSC founder Joseph Lufkin from 1997 to 2001 under the non-compete provisions of the ADP-GPSC acquisition agreement. 

Selected clients & projects:


ADP, Inc. (continuing consulting re global proxy operations per acquisition agreement)


Asian Development Bank (privatizations, fund design, investee/borrower assessments, research and speechwriting)


CPL Cambodia Properties Limited, Phnom Penh (overall management & business development of private equity direct investee)


Investor Relations Magazine, New York NY (articles on Japanese mergers and acquisitions, Japanese – foreign fund management JVs and acquisitions)


Euromoney Institutional Investor, London – produced and edited book International Corporate Governance, 2nd edition (published Jan 04; contributed chapter on Islamic Private Equity & Venture Capital Funds for forthcoming book Islamic Funds Management (to be published May 04)


Georgeson & Co. New York (advice & research services related to proxy solicitations, international business development)


Chartphaiboon Finance Co., Ltd., Bangkok (restructuring plan for Thai Finance Ministry-intervened finance company)


New Asia Financial Group, Bangkok (trade finance)


Simon Lao Ltd., Vientiane LPDR (restructuring of partly-privatised SOE)


Kawasaki Heavy Industries (global proxy solicitation)


Minebea Co., Ltd., Tokyo (global proxy solicitation)


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Tokyo (acquisition targeting, market research re particle-beam sterilization market)


San Miguel Corporation, Manila (global shareholder identification, proxy solicitation)


Unicredito Italiano, Milan (global proxy solicitation)


Sun Life Financial of Canada, Toronto, assessment of transfer agency services provided by HSBC for its post-demutualisation shareholders in Philippines


Government of the Solomon Islands (pre-privatisation assessment of SOEs for ADB)


Capitol Capital Group / Washington Hale Associates, Washington DC (business development for US Government liaison & lobbying group)


Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (governance assessment of the Marshall Islands Intergenerational Trust Fund for ADB)


Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (financial & governance assessment, turnaround recommendations re MLFC, an ADB-funded partly-privatised SOE)


Matrix Group was organized in 2001 upon expiration of the ADP non-compete period to continue and further develop these businesses

Selected clients & projects to date:


Asian Development Bank, Manila:

Private Sector Operations Division: development of relational database management system for Private Sector Operations Division to monitor and report on financial performance and development impact of private equity funds in which ADB invests.


NGO Center & Office of Cofinancing Operations: design and organization of multidonor funding facility for NGOs operating in ADB Developing Member Countries


Georgeson Shareholder Communications, New York & Manila (advice on business development re buy-side institutional shareholder services related to public company shareholder ID, proxy voting)


ASEAN China Investment Fund LP, $75mm Asian private equity fund (Design and management of nonfinancial assessment and reporting program covering investee SMEs in Southeast Asia and China)


Association of Negros Producers, Bacolod City, Philippines (Matrixed non-financial assessments / member profiling of 80+ SMEs for targeting of Business Development Services facilitated by SME trade association)


Shareholder group of Victorias Milling (VMC), a Philippine Stock Exchange-listed corporation (proxy representation at AGM, advice on restructuring plan for shareholder group affiliated with family of original founder of creditor-intervened / shareholder disenfranchised public company)


Euromoney Institutional Investor plc, London – research and chapter on Islamic Private Equity fund design, structuring & operations (published in Sohail Jaffar, ed., Islamic Asset Management, as "Islamic Private Equity & Venture Capital Funds: A Model for Development"), 2004

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